Imagine having to wear a corset..restrictive...constraining..tight. the very victorian corset; where the constraints in society are physically mirrored by the corsets’ ability to squeeze...Squeeze..squeeeEeeze the life out of you. Grounding you, unable to float or be free. Women everywhere sought to feel free establishing "The Rational Dress Society" in 1881 where their main aim was to...
"protest against the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the figure, impedes the movements of the body, or in any way tends to injure the health. It protests against the wearing of tightly-fitting corsets....and requires all to be dressed healthily, comfortably, and beautifully"
Schwestern Flöge Was a fashion house by sisters Emily and Helene Flöge. Emily Flöge is known mostly as Gustav Klimt’s lifelong companion
though she was also a fashion designer during the Secession Movement who’s style of dress went against the conservative constraints and allowed for women to be as free and floaty as a Gustav klimt painting. Her designs could be found hanging from the shoulders of the Viennese high society. With each design as rich in colour and embellishment as klimt's paintings of them.
The Fashion house could be found in Mariahilferstraße; one of the most famous fashion shopping streets in Vienna. The building was designed by fellow artist of the Secession Movement Josef Hoffman again bringing together this idea of "Gesamtkunstwerk". His linear and geometric designs of furniture and buildings continues and echoes through the textile designs he contributed to the fashion house.
Koloman Moser designed the interiors of the store and also contributed designs for textiles along with other secession artist.
I predict a rich, colourful and exciting revival for Secession Rational Dress! I think its a beautiful notion full of depth and possibility... Here's a few images on a modern take....